Our certified veterinary acupuncturist provides acupuncture services for cats and dogs in Northeast Pennsylvania.
Acupuncture to help Pets in Plains
Acupuncture is an aspect of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine with a focus on promoting healing by restoring the energy balance in the body.
A combination of acupuncture and medical therapy can safely be used together to help provide the best possible outcomes from your pet's treatment.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture involves the the insertion of small, thin needles into specific points of the body in order to cause a healing effect.
As with people, pets have key acupuncture points which can be treated in order to help your pet feel more comfortable, and improve their overall quality of life.
Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with other treatments to treat a number of conditions in dogs and cats, including: arthritis, seizures, skin conditions, GI disorders, and many other chronic conditions.

The Pet Acupuncture Process
Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most often inserted into points on your pet's body that are not painful, which means that most cats and dogs will accept acupuncture treatment calmly without any panic or discomfort.
Our certified veterinary acupuncturist will insert the fine needles into specific key spots on your pet's body and leave them in place for between 10 - 30 minutes depending on your pet's issue and the desired effect of the acupuncture treatment.
Your Plains veterinary acupuncturist will provide you with after-treatment care instructions, however in most cases your pet will simply continue with their regular medication, feeding and exercise routines.
From Happy Pet Owners
This facility and their staff are absolutely top notch! Not only are they EXTREMELY knowledgeable, but they are a class act! I would HIGHLY recommend them for ANY of your pets!